Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28th October

So last Friday we received on email detailing who our supervisor was. I was assigned Oliver O'Connor which i was pleased about. So after my classes on Friday I went around to his office to introduce myself just in case he had forgotten who I was :)

During our talk it was established that if i was to do this project it would be required fir it to be more detailed and in 3D. So with this i became worried as I have had no preference with doing anything in 3D. I thought it was time to think up a backup project cause i didn't see the marauder's map happening for me.

Over the weekend, i asked Brian to come up with some ideas. He came up with one which i thought was quite good. A project management system for final year students. With this i got to work with brain-storming and then creating a mind-map.

The idea evolved into this:
The project would be web based with a database back end. The student will be able to set up some tasks for the week and the Supervisor would also be able to set tasks for the students by logging onto their own GUI.

A schedule of these tasks will be kept in a visual calendar, this calendar will also note the dates of importance such as hand up dates etc. When a student fails to upload/complete a task the supervisor and student will be notified.

The system will also be a means of backing up the students work and documents.

A fourm will also be used. there are a few areas i was thinking that this would be useful. the first would be for documents such as the proposal as it follows a uniform method. This would help with the assignment of the supervisors and provide a clear description of what the project is aimed at.

User authentication will play a big part as each user will have their unique properties.

Provide a blog for the students, this will help with the final dissertation. the user should be able to edit etc. as the student feels fit.

News updates:
The users will be able to view any news updates that would be set by the course coordinator or even by Damian Gordon. This that would appear here would be, upcoming course topics and changes in schedule.

This project, i feel is more for me as it would incorporate the technologies that i would be more familiar and comfortable with and project management skills. So my next step now is to have another meeting with Oliver to explain my plans and to email Damien to notify him and ask for his advice.

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