Monday, January 19, 2009

Nearing end of exams

So it's coming up to the end of the exams now. Tomorrow is the last exam for semister one and it's going to be nasty. Advanced databases. Then on monday and tuesdayh of next week we will be doing presentations of our final year projects so far. Must get some presentation work done for it soon lol.
So looking back on my first semister of 4th year what would I have done differently? ..... The question should really be that if we had more time how would I have spent it. There was just not enough hours in the day for classes, assignments, project work, study and sleep. And with the computer science course of DIT being so super unorganised, it's shocking that noone of the class (the I know off) have packed it in or just gone crazy. If any of my friends were to tell me that they were thinking of going to DIT to study computer science I would try to steer them away from the place because it is so disfunctional.

Come on tomorrow 3pm !! Exams will be over for a few months and we really need a drink !

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