Saturday, October 11, 2008

5th October

I went through some more ideas for projects that were provded by the lecturers. There were some good ones in there but i did not see myself doing most of them. one of them stood out to me very much, the marauders map. This was a project idea supplied by Damien Gordon.
After email him to further explain/elaborate on the project idea i grew more interest. It was to be a web based application that provided a 3d version of the DIT kevin street building that would enable a user to be able to find there way from one place to another. It was to display the route the person would need to follow to get there.

So here is the delema, if i was to do this project then it would mean that I will have to obviously pick GIS as my option ( which I think i would really enjoy ) but this could end up being more work than i bargened for. My way of thinking around this is that I feel i sould allow myself to take that chance and do something that I would consider fun, as up to now, i feel as if i haven't really found a subject that i have really enjoyed in college.

So for next week i am to draw up a paliminary project proposal and i don't think i am in anyway of a position to do so. I might just make up two ( as if one isn't enough ) just to cover myself. Hopefully the lecturer will be back on monday to do some work in GIS and I will get to see what the practical side of the course is like.

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