Tuesday, October 14, 2008

proposal to propose

Last week saw people desperate of coming up with their project ideas to had in for a draft proposal. Myself, I was trying to make contact with mark foley who had been missing from action as he was away at some conference. Finally i managed to have a brief chat with him on the thursday and gave him my idea. He said it was a "runner" but there was the minor problem of getting the structural plans of the building, which he said he would contact the media department in aungier street to try and get a hold of them. He also said he would be emailing me a reply to an email i sent asking him would he be my project supervisor ( still waiting for that reply ).

In the meantime I started my own investigation into getting my hands on a copy of the building plans. I went to martin Dunne as he would have some knowledge being involved with the grange gorman building plans. He was able to give me names of people to get in contact with and so i sent them on an email. Brian Fordes got back to me with floor plans in a DGW format and once i downloaded a viewer for this i was glad to see that the files looked exactly what i needed.

So now i am going to have to complete the draft proposal and get a definite answer from mark foley about being my project manager. Fingers crossed that this week will be a non stressful one.

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